


  • Ann Mirjam Vaikla

Premiere 12/04/2013 Folkoperan, Stockholm
Festival Opera Showroom
Photos © Markus Gåder

Author, director and scenographer Ann Mirjam Vaikla
Composer Magnus Bunnskog
Artistic leader Mellika Melouani Melani
Curator Bengt Gomer
In collaboration with Norwegian Theatre Academy

More information: www.folkoperan.se

Where is the meeting point between audience and performers in the frame of opera? How invisible should be the forth wall to experience individual perception of opera not loosing the power and collectivity of it? Play with spatial awareness in close relation with singers, musicians and light crosses the boundaries of opera in terms of reclaiming the core of this historical art form. Interactive opera performance has been created in collaboration with the composer Magnus Bunnskog who wrote the music piece Del estancamiento de la libido en el yo.
Each audience member had possibility to sit opposite of one of the singers, musicians and get individual versus collective experience of the opera.